
Why Famo.us?

You’ve probably heard a few things about Famo.us already:

But what does this mean for you? Why use Famo.us?

Millions of devices

Because Famo.us is built with web technologies, it’s available in most of today’s web browsers, which means that your own Famo.us application can potentially reach millions of users, all around the world.

A familiar language

Famo.us is written in JavaScript, a language which has never shown more potential than it does today. Millions of developers know JavaScript, and millions more are learning. Building your application in Famo.us means these developers are accessible to you as collaborators.


Famo.us is compatible with many popular web frontend libraries and frameworks. Just fill in the blank. We offer several example integrations to help get you started. Famo.us works with jQuery, Angular, and more. It’s also easy to use Famo.us with popular CSS frameworks such as Bootstrap.

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